For the performance a perpetual cycle of drawing, etching and printing was set up in the Warren Editions gallery and print studios for a two hour period. I was drawing on two brass plates prepared with softground, simultaneously with my left and right hand from a live internet feed of a webcam view of the Waterfront, Cape Town. The plates were then etched and printed by a team of the WE staff (Morne Visagie, Roxy Kaczmarek, Phillip Raath & Tom Jennions), which gave me the duration of each drawing time. We completed a set of six pairs on the night as the sun set and the city lights came on.

"Treading Softground" performance

Katherine Bull
ambidextrous drawing from live webcam projection

(photograph by Zhane Warren)

"Treading Softground" performance

Katherine Bull
ambidextrous drawing from live webcam projection

(photograph by Zhane Warren)

"Treading Softground" performance

Katherine Bull
ambidextrous drawing from live webcam projection

(photograph by Zhane Warren)

"Treading Softground" performance

Katherine Bull
ambidextrous drawing from live webcam projection

(photograph by Zhane Warren)

"Treading Softground" performance

Roxy Kaczmarek & Morne Visagie
cleaning the etched plates

(photograph by Daniela Puccini)

"Treading Softground" performance

Phillip Raath & Tom Jennions
inking etched plates for printing

(photograph by Daniela Puccini)

"Treading Softground" performance

Katherine Bull
ambidextrous drawing from live webcam projection

(photograph by Zhane Warren)

Thank you to Zhane Warren at Warren Editions for inviting me to collaborate.